Modern Slavery Act 2015
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Baxter & Bailey are committed to ensuring modern slavery does not exist in its supply chains. We strive to develop policies and procedures to manage the way we obtain our goods and services to keep our company and supply chains compliant. We make all our suppliers and sub-contractors aware of our requirements and we expect them to meet section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our clients
Baxter & Bailey will take reasonable care to avoid misleading statements, concealment, and overstatement in all of its marketing and public statements. We will seek to build long term partnerships with our clients by being honest and straightforward in our dealings at all times. We will respect the confidentiality of any information we may obtain in relation to our clients.
Suppliers and subcontracted partners
Suppliers and subcontracted partners will be chosen on the basis of factors such as quality, price, delivery, service, ethics and integrity. Baxter & Bailey’s choice of suppliers and sub-contractors will be made objectively. Honesty and openness are paramount in our dealings with suppliers and partners.
Giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
Employees will neither seek nor accept for themselves or others any gifts, favours, or entertainment without a legitimate purpose from any person or business organisation that does or seeks to do business. Gifts, favours, and entertainment may be given to others at the expense of the company as long as these are not excessive in value and compliant with client policies.
Bribes and Corrupt Practice
Baxter & Bailey does not allow the direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation, or acceptance of bribes in any form. Any employee found to be involved in any kind of corrupt practice is likely to be immediately dismissed and may well have committed a criminal act which could lead to prosecution.
Salary and pay
Every employee and work placement is paid above the UK Living Wage.
Last updated: January 2024
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