We assign a Project Lead and Project Manager to every project.
The Project Lead is responsible for overall management ensuring each stage of work is completed to the highest standard, on time and within budget.

The Project Manager ensures the day-to-day running of the project is on track and that there is a clear communication via email, phone and video.

All our designers are capable project managers in their own right and we continually invest in their training and development.

Every project has a detailed project plan and timeline. The project scope is written into the final draft of the proposal and is referenced for the smooth running of the project. We prioritise tasks with you and plan, schedule and manage time and resources accordingly.

For larger programmes of work we suggest an online weekly status meeting with the core project team to check-in on project progress and raise any topics for discussion. The Project Manager will follow up each meeting with a brief email summary including any actions for the project team.

After each milestone or agency/client meeting, the Project Manager will produce a contact report for the project team. This report will include next steps, clear actions and responsibilities which will be allocated via the Creative Director to the most appropriate member of the design team to action.

The project management team maps project status against the overall project plan. Where necessary we adjust the plan to keep the project on track. After each stage approval, in dialogue with you, we evaluate success so we are confident we are producing the best work possible.

This policy is reviewed and updated annually.
Last updated: January 2024
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