Brand Identity

Bog Eyed Books

An award-winningly ingenious solution for comic crazy kids (and grown-ups too).



Bog Eyed Books is the brainchild of renowned children’s book author and cartoonist Gary Northfield and his Wing Commander Nicky Evans. Gary and Nicky decided to create a platform to service the current boom in British comics for children. The newly launched imprint aims to publish both established and emerging writers and illustrators.


Gary and Nicky

Bog Eyed Books
We love it! Baxter & Bailey win the Clever Old Stick Award. Wahoooo!


With a gift of a name, the logo almost designed itself. It appears on all Bog Eyed Books titles and is a strong and consistent presence across digital channels too. It has been designed to appeal primarily to the publisher’s key audience: comic-crazy kids.




Starting with just one initial book release in its first year of operation, Bog Eyed Books has gone on to publish graphic novel collections from some of British comics’ brightest stars. And, to cap off a lovely project, we were thrilled to receive a rare-as-hen’s-teeth D&AD Award for the logo design.


D&AD Wood Pencil 2017

Special Thanks

Huge thanks to Gary and Nicky for inviting us to be part of this brilliant and much-needed project, right from the start. And to the D&AD Awards jury for giving us our first D&AD pencil.


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